Sophie Haber, describes herself as a storyteller. She is not only a writer, creative director and model (you may recognise her from our recent Sodashi Skin Care shoot), but she is also the founder of Seed of Rememberance - an online community of women's wisdom and wellness.
We recently chatted with Sophie about embracing the cycles of life, how we can find beauty in ageing and her wonderful online course, Seed of Remembrance.
Q: The essence behind Seed Of Remembrance is to connect people with their inner and outer resources. What inspired you to begin Seed of Remembrance?
I was inspired to be able to apply my years of experience on a platform that could reach a global community. At the time I was living between California and Australia and dreamed to work remotely and still do the work that I love.
It actually initially was going to be a writing workshop for women online which then turned into an in depth 4 week course on various topics that I deeply resonate with. Connection was a big inspiration as well, being able to bring all different walks of life together online in a safe sharing and learning environment.
Q: On your Instagram you wrote, “You were not made to stay the same. You are one body with a soul that also has its own life-force, spirit.” In a world where society idolises slowing the aging process and looking “youthful”, how can women learn to better embrace their current age and connect with the cycles of life?
This is a great question and where I would love to look is within. There are two factors at play, one our internal beliefs and two how we meet the outside world. I do greatly believe that we have much to learn about our cycles of life, understanding that change is inevitable and that the sooner we come to terms with this the more we come home to ourselves.
A beautiful place to start is if you are in your menstruating years, get to know the 4 phases and how different you are from one week to the next and if you are beyond those years or no longer have a cycle, get to know the seasonal cycles and how you change from season to season. This natural process gives us a clue as to what letting go and ageing feels like.
Q: What do you do to ensure you stay grounded and connected to your inner and true self?
I come back to my breath, I remember to breathe, check-in with myself daily and from moment to moment. Having strong boundaries is a big one and being able to show up in service to myself and others without taking everything on.
I love getting out in nature as much as I can and bathing is a very grounding practice for me. I've also recently begun my Body Psychotherapy degree and practice my grounding exercises daily which help me to be more present in my body. When I begin to feel disconnected I try to apply my tools and resources that I have at my fingertips whether that's a close friend, movement, writing, or even just a few deep breaths.
Q: How should the way we nourish our skin and body, change through different cycles of life?
Our skin changes from one week to the next, every season to the next, and with every stage of life. With this in mind we can put into perspective that we won't ever stay the same and how exciting that truly is.
For instance on a micro level, when I am in my ovulation and follicular phase of my cycle I tend to use more exfoliating and lighter cleansers. Sometimes even facemasks rich with seeds, fruits, and honey. During my luteal and menstrual phase I will use more oils and clays as my skin can feel more dry and tender during those times.
On a macro level the first half of my cycle relates to the first half of your life and with that in mind our skin is in sync with what is going on, visa versa for the second half of your cycle and phase in life.
Q: On Instagram you also shared, “When one person blooms, we all bloom together” – how can women support other women as we evolve and age gracefully?
I love these words and it's a great reminder to keep showing up in the best ways you can. By staying true to who you are, your work and your beliefs you awaken that within someone else. Inspiration is the beloved virus that keeps giving and in a society that has so much diversity it takes real authenticity to truly be you and age in the ways that are true for you.
Listen to one another, respect a bleeding woman, help a postpartum mother, honour the menopausal stage of life, and sit with your elders. I believe we learn amongst each other and a strong community supports connection to these rich stages of life.
Q: What are you most looking forward to about ageing and your next cycle of life?
My next stage in life feels potent, I am 25 and thus have entered my mother phase of life. I feel the richness of my longing to be of service to something greater than myself. To be a mother is a longing I desire deeply, I am very excited about that and the process of experiencing this potent rite of passage. Ageing to me feels rich in wisdom and that is what I believe I am here for.
Q: What do you hope and envision for the future of women and the beauty industry?
My wish is for that beauty to come from within. It's easier said than done but I do truly believe our inner world is a projection to our outer world. I envision an array of different bodies, shapes, sizes, colours, beliefs, experiences. A beautiful melting pot of indulgence, creativity, pleasure, and connection.
Q: If there is one seed of wisdom you wish to share with other women, what would that be?
Believe in yourself and trust the nature of your unfurling. Your beauty is beyond just the face you see in the mirror.
Q: How can people find out more about Seed of Remembrance?
I invite you to join our quarterly 4 week course and you can find out more at www.seedofremembrance.com as well as daily wisdom over at @seedofremembrance. Also stay tuned for our new podcast series launching in the next few months.
Our Seed of Remembrance online course begins June 10th the second season for this year (Fall / Spring).