Sodashi Founder Megan Larsen talks to us about why she created Sodashi Concentrates; blends of therapeutic plant essences that you compress on to the face to exfoliate and brighten the skin.
I am often asked why I created the Sodashi Concentrates, and in the next breath, people ask me how exactly do they exfoliate? The ‘exfoliation’ I will get to in just a minute, but first why I created the Concentrates.
In the 33 years that I’ve worked in natural health and skincare, I’ve always observed that our skin is mostly a reflection of what is going on internally, a concept that is more commonly embraced these days. Our skin shows if, we are not drinking enough water, if we are not eating enough nourishing foods and if we are not getting enough rest.
Why essential oils?
After studying aromatherapy and seeing the enormous benefits that essential oils can deliver for the skin and for the whole being, I set about creating powerful blends of essential oils specifically for the face. Essential oils work more dynamically and powerfully when teamed up with other essential oils; together they create a wonderful synergy (1+1=3!).
I created these facial Concentrates so they could be applied to the skin by adding drops to a hand basin of very warm water, then using a soft cloth they are compressed on to the face, neck and décolletage.
When I first developed the Concentrates I was amazed at how effectively they exfoliated my skin, left it looking brighter and feeling so smooth. At the same time, I observed how much they rehydrated the skin and gave my skin a more even appearance.
Each Concentrate is a unique blend of essential oils, which all contain a percentage of lemon (citrus limon). I noticed in developing these products, that lemon has the ability to deeply cleanse the skin, and has the same quality as natural fruit acids without the harshness, giving it the properties of skin exfoliation.
The proof is in the skin
I trialled the facial Concentrates with friends and family and the first comments were how soft they left their skin, that the skin felt exfoliated and looked evener. For those that suffered from constant oiliness, it balanced the skin stopping it from producing too much oil. Even more interesting was that over a four week period people started to notice that using the facial Concentrates also reduced fine lines.
Many essential oils are cell rejuvenating (that means they reduce ageing at a very deep level), and for this reason I always include some anti-ageing essential oils in every Sodashi formulation. It is never too early or too late to slow down the ageing process when using essential oils.
Further feedback I received was how the essential oils made everyone that used them feel; they created an uplifted mood and a feeling of being both calm and alert, more centred and more balanced.
So I had achieved the brief I gave myself in the beginning, which was to create a pure product, using essential oils that would exfoliate, brighten, balance and tone the skin whilst providing anti-aging benefits, and be incredibly enjoyable to use!
I'd love to try it...
Today these products are known as the Sodashi Balancing Concentrate, Sodashi Rejuvenating Concentrate, Sodashi Calming Concentrate and in our Mankind range, Sodashi Smooth Skin and I invite you to use them every day to experience the results.